Abstract submission for #4PPCHUCG2025 is open and you are welcome to submit your abstracts now.
*Submit your paper/abstract as per the Abstract Sample.
Abstract Submission Deadline is 15th March, 2025
Interested in presenting your work in one of the Twenty Six conference sessions? The call for paper is now open. In order to get an idea of how to prepare your paper, you can find more information about paper submission here. The online abstract submission system is open!
Proceed to the paper submission
Type of submission
There are three different types of contributions you can choose from within this system:
Poster abstract
Author guidelines
We kindly request you to follow the following guidelines for your abstract submission:
Document type: Word
Text font: Times New Roman
Font size: 11
Maximum number of words: 300
Maximum amount of keywords: 5
Order of presented information:
Presenting author
Other authors
Primary affiliation
Abstract text (maximum 300 words)
Images (maximum 2)
Recent & professional photograph along with your organization logo
Biography (150 Words)
The abstract Template is attached above.
Abstract submission
To submit your paper for review, please fill the above abstract submission form and submit your paper.
Please contact our Abstract Secretariat if you have any queries at all regarding abstract submission.
Contact details:
UCG Conferences Secretariat